Nonverbal communication plays a huge role in the workplace, as the master of this knows how effective it can be in getting things done. The greatest leaders in the world have exemplary nonverbal skill sets that managers can emulate.
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Smile often
A smile can communicate a dozen things where words might fail miserably. A real genuine smile can melt even the hardest of hearts. A smile can tell the other person to lower his or her expectations. When coupled with the right words, a smile never fails to give a lasting impression. The genius of a smile is that it can pretty much communicate anything, even anger or disgust.
Stand tall
It is a very reptilian behavior to “inflate” the torso to improve one’s general image a boost. Evolution had it so that humans have retained this somewhat. This is why posture is a very powerful communication tool. It pays a lot to engage people with a good posture that exudes confidence, credibility, and professionalism, and nothing does this better than standing tall.
Dress appropriately
This is probably a piece of advice that can never be emphasized often enough. What you wear to work or when you’re out in the field on a client call is a strong statement that precedes your whole person. Dressing formally enough is like saying I am here to do serious business, and I respect you as much. Knowing this well easily gives you a gauge of the level of dressing up that is just right for the occasion.
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Adam Rosenfeld is a leader through and through. He is currently the head of The Rosenfeld Group, which provides financial services to individuals who are considered ultra-high-net-worth. For more business articles, follow this Twitter account.